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Brick House

Income Protection

If your income stops, income protection insurance can come to the rescue

It's always there - that niggling concern over what happens if the money stops coming in. You can never rule it out - economies ebb and flow, markets fluctuate and what's needed today might not be needed tomorrow. How to cover for this? Income protection is a key part of protection, paying a replacement income should you be unable to work due to ill health. That's where our specialist advisers come to help, reach out to us.

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A woman using laptop

For when you're not being paid but those bills still need to be covered

You've been prudent enough to recognise the concern - now take it a step further and book a FREE initial consultation with our team. We're qualified financial consultants and have access to literally thousands of policy options through numerous providers, so we're confident that we can isolate a suitable policy that meets your every need.

First, we listen to those needs and find out the permutations of your financial situation and your position. It may be that you're the breadwinner or that your partner has a considerable income flow of their own. Maybe you're in a position that necessitates a greater degree of physical risk than the average position. Whatever the situation, we'll undertake the necessary research and find a policy that works for you. Policies are normally payable until you go back to work or until you reach the age of retirement, whichever comes first, with the amount payable calculated as a percentage of your income. The policies we have access to are invariably affordable and any return is usually tax-free. The majority of illnesses and accidents are covered, and there are several schemes available even if an accident or illness leaves you with a disability. Contact us to discuss your needs.

We can find the right insurance policy

  • Rated 5/5 on Facebook and Yell

  • No jargon-speak - we make sure that you understand what's involved

  • Qualified team and we're regulated and authorised by the FCA

  • Face-to-face and telephone appointments are available

  • We handle the paperwork

There are generally limits on the level of benefits that can be claimed under Individual Protection insurance plans, usually in the region of 50-60% of the last year of earning before a claim - less deductions for the basic level of employment and support allowance (ESA).

Financial adviser meeting with prospective customer
Modern loft living room with

Get that peace of mind and make sure you're in a position to handle those bills even if your income stops.

Fill out our online form now

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